- Milan K Sinha
Will meet again with Open Mind. All The Best.
This year too large number of people from more than 170 countries across the world celebrated “International Yoga Day” on 21st June by practicing Yoga. It is really heartening that Yoga - science of integrating body, mind and soul is getting ever growing acceptance in all time zones. Obviously, this is an appropriate moment to discuss few Yoga exercise (Asana) which would definitely benefit immensely, if we practice them consciously and sincerely on a regular basis.
Yes, all Yoga activities should be practiced during morning hours after finishing washroom engagements and are initially to be practiced under the guidance of a suitable trainer. The asanas are:
1.Bhujangasana: It is also known as cobra pose asana.

Benefits: This asana strengthens the spinal muscle; activates the function of kidney and liver; reduces abdominal fat and back pain.
Point of caution: Those who have problem of hernia, have undergone abdominal surgery or are suffering from intestine related illness should avoid this asana.

Benefits: This asana improves the functioning of adrenal glands; enhances blood flow to the brain; makes the spinal cord, ankles and knees flexible; helps people suffering from constipation.
Point of caution: People suffering from slip-disc or gastritis and peptic ulcer should avoid this asana.

Benefits: This asana is very good for all, particularly persons suffering from diabetes, obesity and constipation. Actually it helps energise the whole body; stimulates the spinal nerves and back muscle; improves kidney function; improves digestion.
Point of caution: Persons suffering from spondylitis, sciatica, abdominal ailments should avoid this asana.
Undeniably, there are many more yoga practices – Asana (Physical exercise), Pranayama (Breathing activity) and Dhyana (Meditation) to know, learn and practice regularly to keep us fit and fine- physically, mentally and spiritually. Nevertheless, it is always better to start with a few simple but important yoga activities, continue it for few weeks and then go for a few more as per your experience, need and requirement. (hellomilansinha@gmail.com)
Will meet again with Open Mind. All The Best.
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