Milan K Sinha
than 1.1 billion people in the world practice open defecation. The largest
number of these people are in India, followed by Indonesia, Pakistan, Ethiopia,
and Nigeria” - A UNICEF & WHO Report
"No matter how many temples
we go to, we are not going to get salvation. We need to give priority to
toilets and cleanliness," -Jairam Ramesh
Surprisingly, however, in our country
the poor state of sanitation and lack of toilet facilities have been primarily a
matter of political discussion and academic deliberations at different levels. If
it is not true, why 60% people of India defecate in the open even after more
than 60 years of planning process; a
state like Bihar which has been registering an average state GDP growth of more
than 10% for the last seven years, is still known as a state where about 67
percent of rural population does not have access to basic sanitation
The next few minutes would take you through some revealing facts about the basic
sanitation scenario still prevailing in this second most populous country - a
country having a GDP size of two trillion dollar and whose GDP growth rate has
been better than that of many well off countries at least during last one
It is interesting to note that “Nirmal
Bharat Abhiyaan" - Total Sanitation
Campaign (TSC) was launched way back in 1999-2000 which aimed at motivating
rural households to build toilets and encouraging their use to finally achieve
an ODF (Open Defecation Free) environment and also make the rural people realize
the need for good sanitation practices.
The main strategy for implementation of this
nation-wide program has been ‘community led’ and ‘people centred’.
But, even after more than a decade, the sordid fact remains. India is
termed as the world's capital of open defecation. 53% Indian population lack
sanitation facilities, where as it is only 7% in case of Bangladesh and Brazil.
More than 60% of households in Uttrakhand, Orissa, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Madhya
Pradesh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan are without toilets. Only 28,000 Gram
Panchayats (GPs) are declared as "Nirmal Gram" under TSC program out of 2.4 lac GPs in the
Yes, it is on record that even Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister for Rural
Development, termed it as a matter of shame and sorrow, anguish and anger while
asserting, ‘Gandhiji gave ‘Quit India’ call
in Sevagram for freedom struggle and today I appeal to all of you to make
villages open defecation free because it’s an issue of country’s pride.’ And, in all probability, as
a follow up action, the union minister initiated few commendable measures
including spearheading an emotive and eye catching awareness campaign where in
one can see the Bollywood blockbuster film 'Dirty Picture’ and ‘Kahaani’ fame actress,
Vidya Balan in a nicely shot social advertisement stressing the need of having
a toilet for each family in rural India.
It is, undoubtedly praiseworthy that few states have taken encouraging
initiatives in this direction. Sikkim is one of them and it has earned the
honor of becoming the first state in the country which is Open-Defecation Free.
Kerala and Himachal Pradesh will soon be in that bracket.
Notwithstanding few such sporadic
measures being taken at the level of central government and by few states, albeit belatedly, no one can deny the fact that the impact of
deplorable state of sanitation over the
decades has been many and
multi-dimensional on health and hygiene
of common Indians and also on the country's much talked about stories of
'economic prosperity'.
It has been a painful reality
that inadequate supply of clean and
drinkable water together with lack of toilet and urinal facilities in schools
are major cause of poor attendance and health problems of the children. As far
as adolescent girls are concerned, they tend to drop out of the school due to
these reasons. Generally speaking, women and girls, particularly in villages
find it very embarrassing and insulting for not having the facility of a toilet
at home as they have no other option but to defecate in the open only after
sunset, that too at the cost of their health and personal safety.
It is a common knowledge that
defecation in open is fraught with high risk of microbial contamination of
water which is a major cause of diarrhea and other intestinal infections among
the children. Health problems pertaining to
a large section of population due to the aforesaid reasons has a
multidimensional impact on our economy in terms of productivity losses,
increased expenses in the name of providing medical treatment by the government
besides having damaging effect on the Shining/Rising India image
internationally. If one calculates the net financial loss to the exchequer for
not having the basic sanitation facilities, it would be an astounding figure.
Everyone knows for sure, where there
is will, there is a way, and so is the cardinal truth that where there is a
malady, there must have a remedy. And the remedy of this malady is not far-
fetched either. It can very well be in place by initiating and/or accelerating
few time bound action plans. State Governments have to incorporate it on their top agenda items for
implementation and Central government to provide adequate financial support in
this regard. All Gram Panchayats (GPs) have to identify the needy households
and ensure provision of toilet within
the stipulated time period of maximum
two years by availing the required support from the local government
authorities. In order to lend active moral support to this top priority
government sponsored program, mass awareness campaign is required to be
undertaken effectively on an ongoing
basis by all GPs and other elected
bodies among the affected masses
particularly the poor and illiterates. Yes, media has a great role to play in
this regard. It must focus its full attention on this vital issue and report the progress and also the anomaly,
if any, being adopted by local implementing machinery regularly.
Our millions of disadvantaged countrymen don’t demand Malls & Museums,
Airports & Aircrafts; they demand only basic necessities of a human life. So,
the time has come for the civil society, especially women organizations, to
come forward in a decisive manner to compel all political parties to
unanimously agree to list this item (provision of a toilet for every household)
on top of their political agenda along with Food, Clothing & Shelter. Would
our political masters be able to act genuinely in this regard to be called
really people’s representative, only their action tell in next couple of
As always, I am keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post Comments to share your views and experiences.
As always, I am keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post Comments to share your views and experiences.
Will meet again with Open Mind. All the Best.
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