- By Milan K Sinha
"By improving the lives of slum dwellers, we are also combating malnutrition and diseases, many of which are directly linked to overcrowding and to the lack of clean water and improved sanitation. By the same token, slum improvement helps improve environmental sustainability and addresses gender inequality in the most efficient manner." - Anna Tibaijuka, Former Under Secretary General of U.N.
In my earlier post of 22nd Sep'12, the poor state of sanitation & lack of toilet facilities in our country were discussed. We take up the issue of its wide ranging impact on our heath and also the possible remedies, in the current post.
The profound impact would include the following:
- 80% of 75% of polluted water resource of the country is due to sewage itself.
- Inadequate supply of clean & drinkable water together with lack of toilet & urinal facilities in schools are major cause of poor attendance & heath problems of the children.
- Adolescent girls tend to drop out of the school due to above said reasons.
- Women & girls , particularly in villages find it very embarrassing & insulting because of lack of toilet at home as they have no other option but to defecate only after sunset, that too at the cost of health & personal safety.
- Defecation in open is fraught with high risk of microbial contamination of water which is a major cause of diarrhoea and other intestinal infections among the children.
- Health problems pertaining to a large section of population due to the aforesaid reasons has a multidimensional impact on our economy in terms of productivity losses, increased expenses in the name of providing medical treatment by the government besides having damaging effect on the Shining/Rising India Image internationally.
We all know, where there is will, there is a way. So, the remedy of this most urgent problem can very well be in place by initiating and/or accelerating following actions:
- State Governments must incorporate it on their top agenda item for implementation and Central government must lend all support in this regard.
- Mass awareness campaign to be undertaken
effectively & frequently by all Panchayats & other elected bodies among the affected masses particularly the poor & illiterates.
- All Panchayats of the country must ensure provision of toilets to all families within a time bound period of max.two years by availing the provision of central Govt. assistance of Rs.10000/- for construction of one toilet.
- Media must focus its full attention on this vital issue of sanitation and report the progress and also the anomaly being adopted by local implementing machinery, if any regularly.
- The civil society at large should also come forward to act as an enabler & also an informal monitoring entity of the whole issue of sanitation in the country on an on going basis.
After all, sanitation issues are being faced daily by all citizens of the country, whether living in cities or villages. So, besides performing our duties as a responsible citizen in this direction, we must also raise our demand for ensuring proper sanitation, as it is our constitutional right.
will meet again with Open Mind. All the Best.