- MILAN K SINHA, Motivational Speaker... ....
More than 1.25 billion people who live in India have variety of social, cultural, ecological, political and economic problems. As a consequence of these problems, a large population suffers from different physical, mental and spiritual problems in their day-to-day life. To say, increasing number of people is falling prey to many preventable and terminal diseases and consequently thousands of people are dying too. There is also no denying the fact that the cost of modern medical treatment of even minor ailments is increasing day by day, making it unaffordable for people belonging to lower income group. Undoubtedly, this is equally true for all the people living in this world, may be in varying degree.
It is heartening, as far as India is concerned, to find that the new NHP (National Health Policy) aims at providing health security to all citizens of the country with a distinctive shift in focus from SICK-CARE to WELLNESS, and now the thrust is on PREVENTION and HEALTH PROMOTION. Undeniably, it’s an excellent initiative of the Central Government, which must be implemented by all the state governments in letter and spirit to make India healthier and stronger in true sense. Sustained initiative at the level of individual, society and community also needs to be taken at right earnest. As such, the starting point would be to make every Indian aware and empowered as far as basic requirements of life are concerned.
The next step would be to act pro-actively for keeping our people truly healthy. And for that to materialize before long, it is necessary to make them adequately aware about the immense benefits of practicing Yoga - a cost-less activity, regularly and faithfully. Motivating the people consistently for this purpose is also very important. Undertaking “Health Motivation and Awareness” drive regularly in educational institutions, industrial units, offices etc. in this respect is highly desirable.
To say the least, Yoga is an age-old system – a perfect science to keep our body and mind both strong and agile. Yes, besides protecting us largely from many normal as well as minor ailments, the stress related major diseases can very well be prevented through practice of Yoga as well. This becomes possible due to sustained improvement in our 1) Blood circulation 2) Digestion 3) Immune system 4) Physical flexibility 5) Detoxification process 6) Memory power 7) Level of concentration 8) Awareness & Consciousness 9) Intuitive ability 10) Self- confidence 11) Energy level and 12) Peace of mind. The list is only indicative.
To put it plain and simple, practice of Yoga is bound to have perceptible positive impact on our day-to-day activity from home to work place to finally ensure quantum improvement in our overall state of health and happiness.
And finally, let us enjoy the golden words of B.K.S. Iyengar: “Yoga has a threefold impact on health. It keeps healthy people healthy, it inhibits the development of diseases, and it aids recovery from ill health.”
Will meet again with Open Mind. All The Best.
Will meet again with Open Mind. All The Best.
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