Tuesday, November 14, 2017


                                                                                            - MILAN K SINHA

It is all knowing that healthy life is the foundation of happy life. It is also said that children are the future of any society and the country. Data shows that school children constitute 20% of our population. That is more than 250 million. As such, it is absolutely necessary to educate our children properly and also keep them healthy. Then only they can really face the challenges of life well, shoulder the responsibilities like a responsible citizen of the country and also live happily.

There is no denying the fact that more than 90% of our population including children primarily need health care and not medical care as they suffer from deficiency of protein, minerals, vitamins etc. which can be taken care of with minimum basic knowledge of how to live healthy despite some constraints. Even minor indisposition or ailments due to cough, cold, indigestion etc. can be cured by adopting well established traditional methods of health care.

Interestingly, our country has been very rich in traditional health as well as medical practices which are thousands of years old. But the moot question is why it is not in practice in most of our families, particularly those living in cities.

In fact, besides the negative social impact of market driven economy, the gradual collapse of joint family system together with fast adoption of nuclear family system due to multiple of socio-economic reasons has been the major cause in this regard. Truly speaking, the culture of natural transfer of health inputs from grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt and the likes to the younger generation is no more in vogue in growing number of families. The culture of fast and easy life has also been catching up fast. Undeniably, unregulated heavy and recurrent doses of advertisement of manufactured health products and drugs do play a defining adverse impact. Obviously, the children are the worst sufferer in the family. This affects their impressionable mind badly as well.

The resultant effect is seen to be believed if we visit any hospital or nursing home or doctor’s clinic in any part of the country. The crowd there is increasing with every passing day- majority of them for treatment of normal health issues; self-curing minor ailments. 

To say in few words, we are required to initiate reversal of this trend through “Awareness-Motivation Route” and try consistently for re-establishing our age old health knowledge and tradition by affirming our faith and commitment. Naturally, this process might take some time, but would definitely be accepted by the common people as the noble goal is to make the large disadvantaged population of the country fairly self-reliant as far as healthy living as well as treatment of normal indisposition is concerned.  

It hardly needs more emphasis that to set in motion this important task effectively as per the set goal, the role of educational institutions and social organisations is going to be very vital.

To start with, a well-thought of and well-planned awareness and motivation campaign ought to be undertaken for students from class VII to class XII in a slow but steady and systematic manner. The campaign would focus on ways to enhance the existing knowledge about basic health care together with time tested ways of taking care of minor ailments by making them aware of effective methods of traditional health care having sound scientific base. The elders in the family or in neighbourhood may be impressed to encourage the children in their own way to follow and accept the remedial methods.  Involving some teachers from each school for taking this campaign forward can catalyse the whole operation. Similarly, some active members of pensioners’ association in the area can be requested to join hands for further value addition in this regard.

These simple initiatives, to begin with, would not only enrich the knowledge base of the children regarding various vital aspects of leading a healthy life but also provide them a golden opportunity to know about the country’s glorious past, its rich culture and above all nature’s great positive role in everyone’s life.  In addition, this would give them an opportunity to interact and associate with the elders in the family, which is bound to help them in many ways. Stronger emotional and cultural bondage in the family and neighbourhood would be a big bonus. The elders would, in turn have the opportunity to revisit their health related knowledge, update the same and get benefitted immensely in the process. On the whole, this exercise would result in a healthy and happy family and social situation - a win-win position for all.

Finally, before signing off, let us just give a thought to what John Wesley says in these lines : “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”

              Will meet again with Open MindAll The Best. 

Monday, October 16, 2017


                                                                              - MILAN K SINHA

Balanced Diet
There is no denying the fact that every living being including the human being needs food to eat and survive. We also know that except human beings all other living creatures on this earth are in need of limited variety of eatables. We, in fact, can’t live without a large variety of food items, more for satisfying our tongue than for survival and for maintaining a better health. Now the question arises: do we live to eat or eat to live? Undoubtedly, the simple and most logical answer is, we must eat to live. If it is so, the next question must be asked and that is, what should be our diet in order to live well and healthy.

Taking healthy food does mean eating a variety of foods that contain nutrients we need to maintain our health and keep us going. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. In other words, the crucial part of healthy eating is nothing but having a balanced diet. And a balanced diet - or a good diet - means consuming eatables from different food groups in the right quantities, because one single food group cannot provide everything average healthy human needs. Nutritionists opine that there are five main food groups - whole grains, fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products, fat and sugar. Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables in reasonable quantity regularly has added advantage.
That’s why Bettenny Frankel says, “Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” To put it differently, it can be said that we don’t have to eat less, we have to eat right instead.
Truly speaking, healthy eating is a way of life, which everyone should follow and practice in order to remain fit and fine. Enjoy what Brooke Griffin has to say in this regard, “The healthier you are, the better you will perform. Value your health and fitness. There is always time to make time.”
Ok, fine. But is that all? No, besides the quality and quantity of what we eat throughout the day, it is equally important to keep in mind when to eat our food and how much. And more importantly, what is the sequence of taking various food items. Putting it briefly, our day should start with highly nutritious items in good quantity. There is an age old saying which goes like this: take the breakfast like a king or a queen, take the lunch like a prince or a princess and take the dinner like a pauper or a beggar. The message is quite loud and clear and needs no elaboration.
It has been discovered that even factors such as how you eat your food can influence how many calories get into your system. The longer you chew your food, the more calories the body retains.
World Health Organisation (WHO) has these recommendations:
  • We should aim for an energy balance and a healthy bodyweight.
  • We should limit our energy consumption from total fats. We should also aim for more unsaturated fats and less saturated fats.
  • We should up our consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts.
  • We should consume as little simple sugars are possible. 
  • As well as making sure our salt is iodized, we should also limit our consumption of salt/sodium.
The number of calories we need from the food we eat daily can depend on several factors like our age, size, height, sex etc. For example, a physically active 6feet man of 25 years will require more calories than a 5feet man aged 50 years. To say, an active older man will require fewer calories than an active young man.
One more thing is to be kept in mind. We should avoid junk and processed food as it contains less nutrition, yet more quantity of fat, sugar and salt. In today’s fast life, however, a large section of city dwellers fall prey to eating highly spicy, oily and sugary items often and that too in a hurried manner and in a state of stress which is bound to make them indisposed frequently. Actually, “one pill for every ill” – as is becoming the habit, we notice among many of our friends and relatives these days, is an undesirable condition. On the contrary, it’s far better, if our daily food compensates the requirement of medicine, if at all we’re about to fall sick.
Before signing off tonight, it is interesting to find what Thomas Alva Edison said in this regard long back, “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest the patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
As always, I'm keen to know what do you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post comments to share your views and experiences.

                Will meet again with Open MindAll The Best.

Friday, July 21, 2017


                                                              - MILAN K SINHA, Motivational Speaker...

Obesity is becoming a big health issue for countries like India despite the fact that millions of people are sleeping hungry at night; millions of infants are grossly under-nourished and under-weight. According to a recent health report, third highest number of obese and overweight people lives in India. 11% adolescent and 20% adults are suffering from obesity. Women are double in number than men in our country on this count.

Obesity among children has equally been a serious cause of concern. Kirsten Gillibrand puts it in these words, “Obesity puts our children at risk of developing serious diseases - such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and depression. It keeps our children from performing their best at school.”
The probability of obese children becoming an obese adult is undoubtedly high as the childhood eating and living habits do continue in later years in most of the cases. More than one medical study vindicates this fact.
Interestingly, it is all knowing that obesity is directly related to presence of excess fat in the body and it often results from consumption of carbohydrate and fat in excess of what is required for keeping the body healthy and going. In other words, taking more calories than normally required and also failing to burn excess calories by exercise and other daily physical activities gradually make us over-weight.
Before moving forward to discuss this issue which is spreading like an epidemic in Indian society, it is pertinent to know at the outset what the obesity is all about.

Simply speaking, if a person’s BMI (Body Mass Index) is 25% or more, the person is termed as obese. To explain it further, people are generally considered obese when their Body Mass Index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight in kilogram by the square of the person's height in meter, is more than 25 kg/ m2. In other words, if a person is 1.83 meter (6 feet) in height and less than 84 kg in weight, he is not over-weight or the person is within the standard BMI range.
Needless to emphasise that an overweight person is more prone to falling prey to many health problems such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, joint pain, respiratory ailments, sleep and stress related problems - to name a few. Besides these avoidable diseases, the obese persons are generally found to have low self-esteem, feeling of social isolation, emotional weakness etc. It is also found that obese persons are finding it difficult to enjoy their sex life as well as conjugal life well for more than one reason. It affects their domestic harmony significantly. Finally, this leads to separation and divorce in a number of cases.
Conversely, remaining physically active, slim and strong has several health benefits - the blood circulates more efficiently, the fluid level in the body is easily managed, chances of developing any major health problem including the ones enumerated here-in-above is comparatively lesser. The person is able to enjoy life more and is also better placed to enhance his productivity at work place.
Interestingly, the problem of obesity is growing at a rapid pace mainly among the people who are not poor but are inadequately health conscious.
Some of the major causes of being obese or overweight are as under:
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Physical inactivity
  • Bad dietary habit. Regularly eating fast food/junk food
  • Regular consumption of more oily/salty/sugary items even at home
  • Regular unregulated consumption of alcohol and soft drink
  • Stressful life in home and/or at workplace
  • Hormone imbalance, particularly in case of women
  • Genetic reasons in some cases
The question now is how to address this growing health problem on a sustainable basis (without formal medical intervention including surgery) in countries like India?
Yes, we can take care of this issue by adopting two separate prescriptions – first for those who are already obese and second for those who are very likely to be obese. Undeniably, for both the group of people, “Awareness is half the solution” principle must be followed in all possible manners.

To say, awareness campaigns to be undertaken in a focused manner in schools, colleges, corporate entities, training institutes, coaching centres etc. The deliberation and discussion should be centred on advantages of healthy eating, regular exercise, stress management, natural ways for maintaining/controlling weight.
Notwithstanding the fact that for some years now the concept of imposing “Fat Tax” on junk food has been a reality in countries like Hungary and Denmark, it is quite interesting to know that Japan was the first country to levy “Fat Tax” to highlight the campaign against obesity. In India, the state of Kerala recently introduced 14.5% “Fat Tax” on Pizza, Burger and other junk food to be served in restaurants. It is not without reason as Kerala comes second in having the highest percentage of obese people after Punjab.
For over-weight persons, it is absolutely necessary to review their current lifestyle to know exactly well, where to effect correction and how to do it in a sustainable basis so that weight loss takes place gradually without any major setback in their energy level and professional productivity. For this to happen reasonably well, it is better to follow these recommendations:
  • Start eating fewer calories by increasing green vegetables and fruits intake. Avoid non-vegetarian spicy food items, particularly at night.
  • Stop taking junk, processed and preserved food. Eating home-made food is always better.
  • Drastically cut down on sugary drinks and beverages.
  • Increase level of burn out significantly by physical exercises/activities.
  • Take your breakfast well. Lunch should be lighter and dinner the lightest.
  • Sleep early in the night and get up early in the morning.
  • Drink water adequately and properly. Drinking lukewarm water is better.
  • Minimise, if you can’t stop, consumption of alcohol.
  • Practice yoga and meditation sincerely on regular basis.
Eat more vegetables to keep weight in check.
For those, who are very likely to be obese or those who want to remain slim and strong for longer time, it is necessary to adopt a lifestyle where you can eat healthy, sleep well and also engage yourself in certain physical exercise/activities for minimum 30-40 minutes at least five days a week. Avoiding junk food, sugary drinks and consumption of alcohol can’t be overstressed. Remaining calm, cool and happy by managing your stress can make you avoid being obese. Yes, shunning excessive dependence on modern gadgets like smart phone, laptop etc. helps in many ways.

Before signing off, here is one point of caution for over-enthusiasts, particularly students and young professionals. Never ever jump to any conclusion and switch over to a new routine without giving a serious thought to the whole issue, more so if you are undergoing some medical treatment. Have thorough consultation with your doctor on the subject.
To say the least, if we become genuinely health conscious and start living our life accordingly, we need not be afraid of obesity.

I'm keen to know what you think on this important subject. Hence, I request you to share your views/feedback on the matter.          
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Thursday, January 12, 2017


                                                      - MILAN K SINHA, Motivational Speaker...

Swami Vivekanand.

“All power is within you. You can do anything and everything. Believe in that” – said Swami Vivekananda, the great spiritual leader and social reformer. It is interesting to know what Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose wrote about Swami ji, “He harmonized the East and the West, Religion and Science, Past and Present. And that is why he is great. Our countrymen have gained unprecedented Self-respect, Self-reliance and Self-assertion from his teachings.” 

Narendra Nath Datta or Naren, as Swami Vivekananda was known before finally resolving to live like a true monk in the year 1886, was born in erstwhile Calcutta on 12th January, 1863 in a well-to-do family. His life was very eventful. He was intelligent, meritorious, strong, sensitive and curious. Besides studies, Naren was very good in sports and music.  He graduated from Calcutta University and was successful in acquiring good understanding of various subjects including History and Philosophy. He lost his father at the age of 21.

From his early childhood, he had spiritual inclination. As such, he started practising yoga and meditation since his school days. Later on, he associated himself with Brahmo Samaj Movement for a brief period. In November, 1881 he came in contact with his spiritual Guru, Sri Ramkrishna in Dakshineswar near Calcutta. Naren became his true disciple and finally become a monk. Sri Ramkrishna passed away in August, 1886.

Ramkrishna ParamhansSwami Vivekananda started his journey to see and know the real Bharat as a wandering monk in 1988 and travelled extensively for almost five years in different parts of the country thereby having first-hand experience of the ground realities prevailing in British ruled India. He reached Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu) and sat in deep meditation on Rock Island at Kanyakumari from 25th to 27th December, 1892. This place is now well-known as Vivekananda Rock Memorial.  

In 1893, he went to America and addressed the delegates in the “Word’s Parliament of Religions” in Chicago. His address was historic and was widely acclaimed.

Swami Vivekananda founded “Ramkrishna Mission” in May, 1897 and also got a big plot afterwards in Belur on the banks of Ganga near Calcutta, now famous as “Belur Math”.

His thoughts were based primarily on his first hand experiences of life and hence extremely inspiring for all strata of people across the world. Let us take this opportunity to enjoy his views on certain important subjects:


Our sacred motherland is a land of religion and philosophy- the birthplace of spiritual giants- the land of renunciation, where and where alone, from the most ancient to the most modern times, there has been the highest ideal of life open to man. This is the motherland of philosophy, of spirituality, and of ethics, of sweetness, gentleness, and love. These still exist, and my experience of the world leads me to stand on firm ground, and make the bold statement that India is still the first and foremost of all the nations of the world in these respects. …. …. Study the history of the whole world, and you will see that every high ideal you meet with anywhere had its origin in India. … …


Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-making, assimilation of ideas. ... … The real education is that which enables one to stand on his legs. …. …. The education which does not help the common mass of people to equip themselves for the struggle for life, which does not bring out strength of character, a spirit of philanthropy, and the courage of a lion - is it worth the name?... …


My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem, like lions. ….  …. The great thing is to have faith in oneself, even before faith in God. The whole world has been made by the energy of man, by the power of enthusiasm, by the power of faith. … … Arise, awake and stop not till the desired end is reached. …. … Our duty is to encourage everyone in his struggle to live up to his own highest ideal, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the truth.…

Swami Vivekananda left this world on 4th July, 1902 at the age of just 39 years. Notwithstanding, he left the most indelible mark on the hearts and minds of millions of people both in India and abroad both by his thoughts and deeds. 
                Will meet again with Open MindAll The Best. 

# Published in PatnaDaily.com on the occasion of Swamiji's Birth Anniversary