Friday, November 20, 2015


                                                                                   - MILAN K SINHA

India, the second most populous and the largest democratic country of the world does have the huge pool of unemployed youths, adequately educated and inadequately educated; skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled. This has been a major concern area for decades. But, leaving this issue aside for now,  we shall be focusing in next few lines basically on the condition of that section of population who are fortunate to have been employed in the ever expanding corporate sector, but their work life balance has been in jeopardy, notwithstanding the pay and perks they receive. 

To put it in plain words,  for more than anything else now, it has been a growing concern for quite sometime among the working youths in corporate entities in India (and also in many other countries) that the working environment is becoming more and more taxing and stressful which naturally results in growing health problems including depression, hypertension, diabetes etc. It’s needless to reiterate that this has also directly-indirectly been impacting the health of the family and society at large. 

It is noteworthy  at this point what Dr. Dean Michael Ornish, the renowned Physician & Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California has to convey in these lines, " Think about it : Heart Disease and Diabetes, which account for more deaths in the U.S. and worldwide than everything else combined, are completely preventable by making comprehensive lifestyle changes, without drugs or surgery."

The progressive and employee-friendly companies do feel and appreciate this problem and hence embark on Wellness Management Programs as a major HR activity on a regular basis for all its employees to help and facilitate them strike a balance between the job requirements and health issues. 

This does include addressing issues related to Serious Lifestyle Aberrations mostly due to lack of  awareness and mindfulness.  That's why Rob Wittman stresses the point this way : "Individuals will achieve healthier lifestyles when prevention and wellness programs are accessible and available in their workplace, through their health provider, and in their communities."

The good corporations all over the world that treat their human resources as the most vital resource for sustaining quality growth of the company's business and revenue year after year do discover to their satisfaction that by engaging the employees in wellness management activities periodically, the company is able to reduce the overall medical expenses besides keeping the motivation level and degree of loyalty of the employees quite high. 

Not only this, the surveys and studies have also shown conclusively that wellness management initiatives result in creating a healthy working environment as feeling of camaraderie, togetherness, and empathy have been found to be profound among the work force in such companies. Undeniably, all this have also been translated into perceptible improvement in both top line and bottom line growth of the company. 

Finally, before signing off I wish to share with you this excellent quote of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." 

As always, I'm keen to know what do you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post comments to share your views and experiences.

                Will meet again with Open MindAll The Best.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


                                                                   -MILAN K SINHA

Money Management - the need of the hour!

Campaigning by major political parties for Bihar assembly election is gaining momentum and so is the verbal war and accusation, counter-accusation mainly on certain non-core issues including granting special status or special economic package to this third most populous state of Indian union. The core issues like food, clothing, shelter, education, health, roads, electricity, law and order, corruption etc. are made to occupy back seat, more by design by major political parties for known reasons. 

Notwithstanding the basic ground realities in Bihar, is it not annoying and intriguing that every ruling party leader talks only of spending the money instead of utilising the money?  

Undoubtedly, it is the most opportune time for all right thinking citizens including all voters of Bihar to seek a pointed reply from the political class to the bigger question which is still unanswered. And that is the perennial “15 paise versus 85 paise” syndrome. 

Ironically, government after government accepts this to be the greatest malady as far as governance is concerned; the widening gap between rich and poor is concerned; the white and black economy is concerned, to list a few in this otherwise glorious, potential and fertile land.

But then, who will reverse the trend and how long it will take to make this happen against the backdrop of all big talks by all those who have been claiming to be the champions of espousing the cause and concern of common Biharis for decades together? Why successive governments who ruled this state for the last 68 years including 25 long years of Lalu-Nitish combine couldn't make a perceptible (?) difference in this regard?

Believe me, if only this can be ensured and 85 paise of every rupee that government allocates in the budget starts reaching the targeted beneficiaries instead of meager 15 paise out of a rupee presently, there would be great qualitative as well as quantitative improvement not only in all sectors of economy but also in the lives of every citizen of Bihar.

After all, it is tax payers’ hard earned money, which nobody is entitled to waste, mis-utilise or misappropriate.

To say in few words, instead of making much hue and cry for more and more resources, if resource management is taken care of on highest priority with utmost sincerity in a truly professional manner, far better inclusive growth model can be sustained year after year. And then better days will not be really far off for at least any poor and downtrodden in Bihar.

P.S : Does it really make a point of discussion? If yes, share this post and discuss the issue to get the answer from all major political parties in Bihar before we elect our representatives for next five years.

As always, I am keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post Comments to share your views and experiences.  

                  Will meet again with Open MindAll The Best.
# Published in Patna

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


On 21st June,2015 billions of people across the world participated to practice and thereby celebrate the first World Yoga DayIn this age of modern medical science, this day did symbolize the acceptance and accessibility of Yoga, basically a science - science of integrating body, mind and soul, which is centuries old and has deep roots in ancient Indian culture.

That’s why many saints, scientists and great persons did say in different ways as said by B.K.S.Iyengar,”Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. This evolution includes all aspects of one's being, from bodily health to self-realization. Yoga means union - the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in the performance of one's actions.”
And whenever we confront with this hard fact that the whole world is passing through difficult times where besides different age-old known diseases, many life-style and stress related diseases are taking its toll in growing numbers. As such, it is all the more necessary to appreciate and accept this time tested method of being and keeping well in true sense of the term as extensive research on yoga therapy has vindicated its effectiveness in dealing with such diseases almost without any cost.

The term yoga has its verbal root as ‘Yuj’ in Sanskrit. ‘Yuj’ means joining. Yoga is that which joins and it’s really so, as people in different countries of the world sit in different places in large numbers to practice Yoga and reap health benefits hugely.
Undeniably, however, the benefits of Yoga can only be realised if we practice it regularly with complete faith and determination, with relaxed body and open mind. The outcome of such practice would make us feel better, re-energized, calm, cool and composed. As the days, weeks, months and years of regular and disciplined practice of Yoga continue, we can distinctly feel the positive change in our thoughts, behaviour, actions and attitude towards everything in life.
Besides, regular practice of Yoga has found to have very positive impact on our digestive and immune system, muscle strength, emotional stability as through different Aasans and Pranayam, we inhale more of oxygen and exhale more of carbon dioxide thereby making our nervous, digestive and circulatory system greatly activated. To say, after each Yoga session, one feels better physically, mentally and spiritually. That’s why Iyengar says, “Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.”
To put it in simple words, Yoga is basically a way of life and should be practised as such. It’s not a short term pursuit, but is a daily activity of being and remaining conscious of all our activities, be it thinking, reading, eating, playing, working, sleeping and what not till the last day in our life.
Finally, let us get enlightened what Swami Satyananda Saraswati, the great Yoga Guru and founder of world famous “Bihar School of Yoga” says, “… We stand hypnotized by the belief that disease and illness are our fate and destiny, rather than health and bliss, our birth right and heritage. In order to emerge from our mass- hysteria and experience health, joy and creative fulfilment, we must make a systematic application of yoga in our daily life.”

As always, I'm keen to know what do you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post comments to share your views and experiences.

                  Will meet again with Open MindAll The Best.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


                                                                                            - MILAN K SINHA

Lifestyle is the major health issue particularly in today’s urban life. With growing population, pollution, adulteration mounting stress etc., the number of persons suffering from different diseases (both in rural and urban areas) has been registering gradual increase in varying magnitudes. The cost of medical treatment even for routine ailments like cough, cold and digestion problem has gone up to make it un-affordable for even middle income groups, what to talk of large population of poor common men (Aam Aadmi) of our country. 

Moreover, Heath Awareness is grossly inadequate among majority of even educated masses. To put it plain, when a health expert asks, whether you know :

-How, When and How much Water One Should Drink ?
-When, What and How much One Should Eat ?
-Why Walking and Exercise are Vital for A Healthy Life ?
-Why Sleep is More Important than Gold ?
-Why Yoga and Meditation are Necessary ?

The answer is either ‘No’ or only partly correct. Hence, in order  to explore the right answer to these normal health related questions and also to suggest easy and practical ways to practice the prescriptions at home,  the above mentioned ‘HEALTH & HAPPINESS’ Session* is being organised with an ultimate goal of making the participants aware how to ENJOY A HEALTHY & HAPPY LIFE

As always, I'm keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post comments to share your views and experiences.

* For Sessions on 'Health & Happiness' drop an email at or call on +919608708344.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


                                                                                                   -MILAN K SINHA
Image result for water is life related free photosYou too might have heard and said- water is life; if there is no water, there is no future for all living beings; human body contains 60% water; our mother earth has 71% water; our dependence on water cycle is immense. No one can deny this. 

Notwithstanding these hard truths, if we analyse the whole issue to acknowledge and appreciate the value of water in our life, it is found that we are yet to learn, unlearn and relearn the basics of conservation, preservation and utilization of water. 

It is really painful to know that 60% of all diseases, we normally suffer from, are water borne. Undoubtedly, water related issues have many dimensions. As such, we shall limit our discussion here on the art  of drinkable water.

Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidi, an internationally renowned researcher, author and advocate of the natural healing power of water says that water is the basis of all life and that includes our body. 

Our muscles that move our body are 75% water; our blood that transports nutrients is 82% water; our lungs that provide oxygen are 90% water; our brain that is the control center of our body is 76% water; even our bones are 25% water. 

In fact, our health is truly dependent on the quality and quantity of water we drink.

Image result for water is life related free photos

We all know that it is desirable for us to drink three to four litres of water daily. But, do we actually know when to drink water and how to drink water?

This question may seem to be absurd at first sight but if we go through next few lines, we would surely appreciate the importance of it. In fact, drinking water has a system and a pattern to be followed in order to reap maximum benefit. 

To put it precisely, we should take water slowly while seated comfortably. It is better to feel that water is going down your stomach through the food pipe called oesophagus in medical terminology. 

Drinking two glass of water, preferably lukewarm with two spoonful lemon juice poured in it during  morning hours in empty stomach is highly advantageous for our health- heart, belly, intestine, eyes to name a few. 

Experts do opine not to drink water in between any meal, just before or after any meal. Truly speaking, we should drink water at least half an hour before and after any meal.

Keeping the body hydrated during sleeping hours avoids the possibility of brain and heart strokes at night. 

If you are feeling stressed, take few sip of water to get yourself de-stressed immediately. 

In short, if we practice the art of drinking water, many of our health problems and diseases will be mitigated, if not completely eliminated.

As always, I am keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post Comments to share your views and experiences.  

               Will meet again with Open MindAll The Best.

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Friday, March 20, 2015


                                                                                       - MILAN K SINHA

Committing mistakes or even blunder is not abnormal in human life. It's not unusual to realize the same and then repent for the wrongdoings either. 

It also happens many a times that we take a lesson from the whole thing and also take a firm resolve not to repeat the same mistake again in future, to finally move forward in the course of life's journey with a positive note. 

In this way, some of us do try to follow the best principles governing the life of all better people including the great men across the globe. 

Nevertheless, if we look around to observe what majority of us are actually doing in this respect, it is found to our dismay that committing mistakes and repenting thereafter goes on parallel track again and again despite a firm resolve at times and in spite of undergoing some punishments too.

It is found that this group of people are found to follow predominantly either of these two behaviour patterns in their day to day life - i) Submissive and ii) Aggressive. 

These set of people either do not know when to speak, what to speak or when it is far better to simply keep shut. Usually, they keep on speaking without thinking. They either fail to take a firm stand or do take a stand but fail to present their point of view logically and calmly on any issue. This is visibly reflected in their interaction and working style almost everywhere including the place where they are working.   

Interestingly, both submissive and aggressive persons are opposite in nature and normally suffer from inferiority and superiority complex respectively which lead them to have fatal diseases like blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, kidney problems, to name a few.

Persons having submissive behaviour pattern are of 'Yes Sir' kind. They are ready to say 'yes sir' to their bosses for any good or bad thing, no matter they might spend sleepless nights afterwards or pay a heavy price for this afterwards. 

On the other hand, aggressive persons always try to dictate their terms and behave in 'Hiring-Firing' mode. Obviously, this set of people dislike persons who are straight forward, analytical, unbiased and objective. By natural choice, they like submissive people the most and hence keep themselves surrounded by such yes-men.

To say the least, these two sets of people commit mistakes after mistakes, and then repent at times. Notwithstanding, they try to put the blame conveniently on their subordinates and on circumstantial problems. But, truth being otherwise, keeps on chasing them to ultimately result in self-created disproportionate stress and related health issues.  

So, in order to ensure a normal happy life, it is desirable to be assertive instead of being submissive or aggressive in one’s behaviour as being assertive is nothing but being communicative, confident, mature, frank, balanced, decisive, empathetic, objective, competent, humorous, relaxed and logical. And undoubtedly, all these positive traits in one's personality do guarantee a better living in any situation anywhere across the world. 

Before signing off tonight, let us enjoy what Sharon Anthony Bower says in these lines: The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behaviour affect the rights and well-being of others.

As always, I am keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post Comments to share your views and experiences.  

             Will meet again with Open MindAll The Best.

# Published in Patna Daily

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Monday, January 26, 2015


                                                                    - MILAN K SINHA

We know the eternal truth: "Only Change is Permanent in Life." It being so, we have been noticing and also experiencing changes - socially, economically, technologically, culturally..... Undeniably, the pace of change in the life of Indians too has been rather faster, more so after the famous LPG effect.

What’s LPG? It’s not the commonly known ‘Liquid Petroleum Gas’ or cooking gas but ‘Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization’.

If we see around, we find affluence of few and misery of majority. Talking about the haves, the life of even this group of people is devoid of a feeling of wellness, despite having materialistic security to a reasonable extent. Why? Nobody can dispute this fact that  old but fundamentally sound Indian value system  has been undergoing gradual erosion, giving way to modern and ostentatious fast lifestyle. This has been the trend in other developing as well as developed countries.

Believe me, it is a serious issue not only for all HR managers and wellness consultants across the world but also for housewives and students.

Now, the question is how to live a happy life with or without all constraints- known and unknown both. Yes, my belief theory says, where there is a problem, there is a solution too. As such, as a practicing Stress Management, Lifestyle Management & Wellness Consultant, my earnest endeavour here is to enumerate below few Wellness Points which in turn reiterate/ reemphasize  the  Basic Facts of Life and also suggest broad Activity Points to Ponder and Practice on a Daily Basis.

Facts of Life
Activity Points
You Are a Unique Individual
Love Yourself in both Prosperity & Adversity
You Are a Potential High Performer
Do the Right Thing Passionately Right Away
Life is Very Beautiful
Enjoy Life. Don't Blame Others for Your Mistakes
Health is Wealth
Exercise and Meditate. Eat Healthy & Sleep Well
Activity & Productivity are Co-related
Have Positive Thoughts & Engagements
Excellence is a Journey
Plan & Execute Well to Improve on Daily Basis
Only Change is Permanent
Smile and Embrace the Change Wholeheartedly
Past is History and Future is Mystery
Live in the Present - It’s God’s Present to You
Togetherness is Happiness
Have Lots of Good Friends to Spend Quality Time
Family and Friends are Precious
Have Blessings of Elders & Best Wishes of Friends
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Try to Live with Nature and Enjoy its Music

Hope, you would benefit immensely, if you practice it consciously and regularly. 

As always, I'm keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post comments to share your views and experiences.