Thursday, January 30, 2014


                                                                                        -MILAN K SINHA
mahatma gandhi
The day has again arrived for large section of political class to wear white khadi dress with a cap and   to rush to a Mahatma Gandhi statue, of course in a big vehicle to utter few parroted words with some crocodile tears in their eyes to show the onlookers, particularly media persons that they are the true believers, followers and torch bearer of Gandhian philosophy.

Unfortunately, day in and day out, the name of Gandhiji is being misused by those who proclaim from rooftop to be the sole political heir of this great soul about whom the Great Physicist and Nobel Prize Winner, Albert Einstein had said, ‘Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.’ 

It has been fashionable in our country in majority of cases to resort to dharna and agitation in the name of Satyagraha- the most pious tool of protest, thereby putting the public at large to great inconvenience even in the national capital. It would be therefore, befitting if these set of protesters and the misusers of Gandhiji’s name, take some pain to read what Bapu wrote about ‘Satyagraha’ in Young India (20.10.1927) and Harijan (15.04.1933) 

‘Since Satyagraha is one of the most powerful methods of direct action, a Satyagrahi exhausts all other means before he resorts to Satyagraha. He will, therefore constantly and continually approach the constituted authority, he will appeal to public opinion, educate public opinion, state his case calmly and coolly before everybody who wants to listen to him, and only after he has exhausted all these avenues will he resort to Satyagraha. But when he has found the impelling call of the inner voice within him and launches out upon Satyagraha he has burnt his boats and there is no receding.’ ……’The word Satyagraha is often most loosely used and is made to cover veiled violence. But as the author of the word I may be allowed to say that it excludes every form of violence, veiled or unveiled, and whether in thought, word or deed. It is a breach of Satyagraha to wish ill to an opponent or to say a harsh word to him or of him with the intention of harming him…’ 

It is equally not out of context to take up briefly the concept of SWARAJ in the light of FDI controversy and other issues of governance in the country to know the gap between Gandhiji's thinking and  actual current happenings. In Gandhiji's concept of Swaraj, self-reliance, self-regulation and self -restraints are very important. He says," Real Swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few but the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority when it is abused. In other words, Swaraj is to be obtained by educating the masses to a sense of their capacity to regulate and control authority." He further says,"Swaraj means government by many. Where the many are immoral or selfish, their government can spell anarchy and nothing else."

Undoubtedly, the life and work of the father of our nation would continue to be an eternal source of inspiration not only for all true Indians but also for million others world over in days to come. That’s why even the U.S President Barack Obama joins to say, ‘In my life, I have always looked to Mahatma Gandhi as an inspiration, because he embodies the kind of transformational change that can be made when ordinary people come together to do extra ordinary.’

As always, I am keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post Comments to share your views and experiences.

                  Will meet again with Open MindAll the Best.
# Published in Patna
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Sunday, January 26, 2014


                                                  - MILAN K SINHA

republic dayThe nation is celebrating the 64th anniversary of Republic Day amid so much of political chaos, particularly in nation’s capital, first because of unprecedented political demonstration and dharna by an elected chief minister along with his cabinet colleagues and supporters and also because of the rising political temperature in the wake of ensuing Lok Sabha election sometime before May, 2014 to pave the way for formation of a new government at the Centre.

It's a common knowledge that our Constitution was adopted by Constituent Assembly on 26 November, 1949 but actually came into effect on 26 January 1950 - the date of 26 January was chosen to commemorate the Purna Swaraj declaration of independence of 1930. Our Constitution, one of the finest in the world which was drafted by Constituent Assembly comprising of great legal luminaries and statesmen, declares India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic, assuring its citizens of justice, equality, and liberty, and endeavors to promote fraternity among them.

But, looking back to analyze what our forefathers had envisaged and dreamt and what we could achieve during the long years in the intervening period, no one would deny that the nation did progressed in many areas but    failed in greater proportions to address even the basic needs and requirements of common Indian (Aam Aadmi) - the issues of food, clothing, shelter, education, health, employment to name a few.

It is really shocking to note that even at this point of time every day 7000 people die of hunger in the country thereby being infamous for topping the list of countries in World Hunger Chart, one in every three malnourished children of the world live in India, the literacy percentage is still around 75% and most shamefully, about 60% people defecate in the open. Why?

Echoing the sentiments and aspirations of the large disadvantaged population which included millions of youths, both educated and uneducated, the President said in his address to the nation on this occasion, '"The aspirational young Indian will not forgive a betrayal of her future. Those in office must eliminate the trust deficit between them and the people. Those in politics should understand that every election comes with a warning sign: perform, or perish... Who wins the coming election is less important than the fact that whosoever wins must have an undiluted commitment to stability, honesty, and the development of India. We live in a turbulent part of the world where factors of instability have grown in the recent past...India has the intellectual prowess, the human resource and financial capital to shape a glorious future. We possess a dynamic civil society with an innovative mindset. Our people, whether in villages or cities, share a vibrant, unique consciousness and culture. Our finest assets are human...If Indians are enraged; it is because they are witnessing corruption and waste of national resources. If governments do not remove these flaws, voters will remove governments...Equally dangerous is the rise of hypocrisy in public life. Elections do not give any person the license to flirt with illusions. Those who seek the trust of voters must promise only what is possible...."

All said and  done,  can our  ruling  class  across  all political parties implement a common minimum agenda to fulfill the most basic aspirations of   common Indians of having a  safe, secured and normal  human  living  in consonance with the spirit of our constitution? 

                             Will meet again with Open Mind. All the Best.

# Published in Patna on 26th Jan'14
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Thursday, January 9, 2014


                                                                       - MILAN K SINHA
India, you might know, is infamous for being the Heart Disease Capital of the world. On an average three million people die of heart disease annually in India. The situation is getting worse with every passing day despite known initiatives both by government machinery as well as by medical fraternity. 

Yes, there are many reasons for this problem, but one of the foremost reasons has been our poor lifestyle and also lack of basic awareness about this silent killer.

As per the latest medical research from the United Kingdom, even a 0.67 degree Celsius drop in temperature in winter season, as many as 200 more cases of heart attacks are reported in one day.

According to Life Science report, “Cold temperatures are known to raise blood pressure and also increase levels of certain proteins that could increase the risk of blood clots..."

It is worth mentioning here that winter is the most common season for heart attacks. Researchers have found that there are up to 53% more heart attacks in winter than in summer, twice as many heart attacks a day in January as compared to July.

In fact, when the temperature drops substantially in winter, our heart is required to work harder in order to maintain body temperature and health of arteries as during this season with tightening of arteries, blood flow is restricted and hence reduction in supply of blood to the heart. The combined effect of all these factors could trigger a heart attack.

During cold, those with heart disease are at special risk and so the elderly ones. As people get older, their ability to maintain normal body temperature goes down. Consequently, with dip in temperature in winter season, many a times suddenly, there is strong possibility of their falling prey to Hypothermia. Hypothermia denotes a condition wherein the body temperature falls below 95 degree Fahrenheit. The patient confronts this situation when the human body can't produce enough energy to keep it adequately warm. This can be fatal as it is found that heart failure causes most deaths in hypothermia.

It is a common knowledge that our best source of vitamin D is through our skin being exposed to sun. Now, in order to compensate for lack of sunlight, due to sedentary habits of relatively affluent urban population and corporate employees in India too, it is advised by medical practitioners to take vitamin D3 supplement as Vitamin D deficiency has been found to be associated with many ailments including arterial stiffness - a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

It being so, it is absolutely desirable to keep our body warm enough by wearing layers of clothing. It is interesting to know that air remains trapped between different layers of cloths thereby, forming a protective insulation. Protecting the head by putting on a hat, a monkey cap etc. also works well as it prevents loss of body temperature. Keeping hands and feet warm enough is advisable as heat is lost rapidly through these body parts. Physical activity which includes breathing exercise (Pranayam) and healthy eating are equally important during this period. 

Not to over emphasize, consulting your doctor immediately in any medical situation is always a must.

                           Will Meet Again With Open Mind. All the Best.
# Published in 'Health & Environment Times' in January'14
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